Dedicated to best practice management of tourism in Noosa to benefit our community.


Tourism Industry


businesses say they would be less profitable without tourism


The Noosa Short Term Accommodation Association (NSTAA) is the peak body representing the professional short-term accommodation (STA) industry in Noosa.




Promote and advocate for management of STA in the Noosa Shire in a manner that is socially, environmentally and economically responsible.


Represent and advocate for the interests of professional and licensed managers and their investors, with respect to the impacts of local and state level policies affecting STA.


Support the development of a Tourism Management Plan for Noosa Shire to address important concerns such as optimum visitor numbers, affordable housing and industry code of practice.


Work with stakeholders, to realise the community benefits of a well-managed tourism industry and eliminate the impacts of poorly managed STA or party houses to residential amenity.


Advocate for and use data to inform decisions and outcomes for tourism in Noosa.

the tourism
industry in noosa

Tourism in Noosa is a principal driver of GDP and employment. 

The whole community, and not just tourism businesses, benefit from responsible management of accommodation facilities and visitors to Noosa.