
The NSTAA relies on the support and funding of its members to maintain its advocacy on these and other matters that directly affect the viability of the STA industry in Noosa, along with the broader tourism economy.

We invite you to join the NSTAA or donate here

Image courtesy of Noosa Holiday Homes

noosa plan 2020

The association was formed in April 2020 out of a need to provide strategic policy leadership with respect to proposed changes to the Noosa Plan 2020.


During the consultation process on the Noosa Plan, the NSTAA procured legal advice, prepared submissions, and engaged with state and local government to advocate for a common-sense approach to the proposed planning changes.  

Image courtesy of Noosa Holiday Homes


In 2019, the founders of the NSTAA provided consultative input to a first draft STA Local Law and Code of Conduct being proposed by Noosa Shire Council.


They supported a Code of Conduct to level the playing field amongst licensed and regulated STA facilities, and unlicensed and unregulated STA facilities.


In May 2021, the NSTAA provided input to Phase 2 of the Noosa Council consultation on a proposed STA Local Law and Code of Conduct. The NSTAA submission was in favour of a well-managed and industry-driven Code of Conduct for the operation of STA in Noosa Shire and the minimisation of costs to the licenced operators, already incurring management costs.

In October 2021 Noosa Council approved an STA Local Law, effective 2021.  

Image courtesy of Noosa Holiday Homes

Noosa Council Rates 2021

Introduction of Category 26; Strata Units – Transitory Accommodation


In July 2021, Noosa Council made fundamental changes affecting STA unit investors by removing the Tourism and Economic Levy that had previously provided a degree of transparency to where those levied funds were allocated (principally to Tourism Noosa) and introducing a new Category 26; Strata Units – Transitory Accommodation rating category.


This new category increased the general rates for STA properties as much as 67%. This was done at a time when COVID 19 was significantly affecting the STA industry and many owners of investment units and properties were suffering.


In response, the NSTAA is once again leading a process of advocacy on behalf of its Members and their Owners towards the fair and sustainable management of the STA industry in Noosa.  

Image courtesy of Noosa Holiday Homes

Code of Practice 2021

The Code of Practice aims to provide useful guidance to any STA operator towards achieving a best practice management framework for their business. It is intended to complement, and not replace existing procedures that operators may have. It acknowledges that many licensed and professional STA managers already undertake responsible management practices in line with the Property Occupations Act 2014 and community expectations.


The NSTAA Code of Practice is a guideline only and does not replace any government policy in relation to STA management. 


Link to NSTAA Code of Practice

Image courtesy of Noosa Holiday Homes

Value of Tourism to Noosa – Research and Data

The importance of having analytic data to understand the value of tourism to Noosa is very important to inform policy decisions affecting tourism and the economy.


As part of a range of plans to advocate for responsible tourism management, the NSTAA is currently advocating for the development of an Independent Economic Impact Assessment on the Function of Tourism in the Noosa Economy.


An economic understanding of the value of tourism to Noosa will assist to inform good planning and policy processes towards managing a sustainable tourism industry in Noosa.

Let's manage a sustainable tourism industry in Noosa