Our Vision

The NSTAA vision is for a profitable, well-managed and sustainable tourism industry in Noosa that brings prosperity to local businesses and supports employment and well-being of residents.


A well-managed tourism industry brings economic stimulus that supports locals and enables infrastructure and facilities. It makes things possible that otherwise may not be, by contributing to the prosperity of the entire shire. 

We envision Noosa as a showcase on how a town can achieve balance between visitors, residents and the natural environment.


Helping responsible tourism operators to thrive supports our community and its goals when tourism is managed well, as a sustainable industry.


The NSTAA was established in 2019 to provide a united voice from professional licensed holiday letting managers concerned that the draft Noosa Plan 2020 did not reflect the nature and importance of the professional holiday letting industry in Noosa.


Many within the industry felt concerned that the draft policy could be improved by recognising the difference between professionally managed properties and non-professionally managed properties. 


Some professionals also felt the draft Plan was likely to adversely affect the economic benefit of tourism in Noosa. 


The NSTAA therefore co-ordinated a submission on the Noosa Plan 2020 from holiday letting operators in different sectors of the market. 

The NSTAA continued this advocacy role by seeking to identify and assist those candidates in the 2020 Noosa Council elections who understood the importance of tourism to the Noosa economy.


During the first COVID restrictions, the NSTAA was invited to participate in the Noosa Council Business Roundtable meetings. This led to improved communication between Noosa Council and local tourism businesses.


As with most small businesses, licenced letting managers spend long hours in their businesses looking after their guests and managing their product with a focus on their major stakeholders, the owners of the accommodation that they let. 


Licenced letting managers are fragmented across Noosa and staying abreast of decisions within Federal, State and Local Authorities that may affect their businesses is often challenging.


Likewise, property owners are remote and have their own concerns, however, unless they also live in Noosa Shire, they are unable to vote in Council elections and lobby locally.

NSTAA and the Community

The benefits of tourism to the Noosa community are understood by the professional, licensed letting managers who strive, on behalf of their owners, to responsibly host visitors to Noosa.


The NSTAA also appreciate that our community, of which we are an integral part, is looking for reassurance that Noosa letting managers value and implement actions to manage tourism in a way that supports the key values of our community.

OUR KEY values

Our Goals

Work at all levels to ensure a fairer and more inclusive approach into policy development and decisions on STA.


Work collaboratively with the STA industry, on behalf of our stakeholders.


Work in partnership with Noosa Council and other stakeholders including the community, to understand the impact tourism has on local infrastructure.


Manage holiday letting in Noosa in ways that are socially and economically responsible, benefiting community amenity and protecting Noosa’s uniqueness.

Support community amenity and regulate unmanaged properties by targeting the problem and not the use.


Implement a Code of Conduct for all STA operators that Noosa Shire can adopt as best practice.

Advocate for independent research into the value of Tourism to Noosa, involving the wider tourism, business and residential community.


Initiate up to date research to understand the impact of tourism in Noosa and the multiplier effects of tourism on business, employment, community, and infrastructure.


Involve critical stakeholders such as Tourism Noosa, the local MP, local business associations and Chambers of Commerce etc.

Ensure data is gathered, analysed and presented to inform decisions and policies that affect tourism and the Noosa economy.


Undertake joint research with affected stakeholders and the community.

Develop collaboratively with Noosa Council and other stakeholders,


Advocate for the development of a Noosa Tourism Management Plan collaboratively with industry, community and government to guide the environmental and social governance of tourism in Noosa Shire. 


Incorporate strategies and policies for optimum holiday letting capacity, based on research, statistics and economic data.


Consult with the community to understand the impact of tourism and work in partnership with stakeholders to recommend and implement solutions.

Work with Noosa Council and other stakeholders to understand the complexity and causal effects of housing availability and affordability with emphasis on:


– Differentiating key residential areas from tourism areas.

– Protect areas zoned Tourism and properties specially built for Tourism.

Engage with our community of licenced letting managers to keep the industry informed.


Represent our community in matters that affect tourism and short-term letting.


Represent the community of licenced letting managers with Noosa Council, Noosa Councillors, Other Associations, Chambers of Commerce, and the State Govt etc.


Recognise that the community is fragmented and that there is strength in numbers.


Share stories and successes through the network.


Organise information and education, as required, on topics that affect our members.